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Friday, 24 January 2014

wpForGlass – A New & First WP Plugin for Google Glass

Today, Google Glass is one of the trendiest technologies with an optical head-mounted display, which is being developed by Google in the Project Glass research and development project. Across the world, lots of people have appreciated this product because of its incredible features.

Before this product launched in the market, it already got a WordPress plugin. Isn’t it completely amazing?

At Weber Shandwick, a PR and communication firm, a team of experienced people has developed the first WordPress plugin called wpForGlass, which easily interfaces with Google Glass in order to publish content without any hassle.

Google Glass’s first WP plugin lets users to post to their WordPress blog from Google Glass. It is completely wonderful for WordPress users, who need to post any important stuff on the go.

At the moment, this plugin is operated by touch; however, according to Mashable a team of WP developers also planned to add voice commands but now it's "in the pipeline."

Now, wpForGlass makes it easily possible for people to take a photo, video or anything and quickly send it to their WordPress blog. Users of this plugin can also speak any caption before their media is uploaded.

Moreover, the use case of this plugin is much clear as it uses the Mirror API from Google to enable users to post pictures and videos with Google Glass on their blog.

Many of you all may think how this plugin works and what kind of features and benefits it offers in our day-to-day life. Well, using this plugin is not a big deal as WordPress user can use this plugin that interfaces with Google Glass to publish content.

Let’s give a look on wpForGlass plugin’s uses, features and how it works:

wpForGlass – How it works?

When it comes to wpForGlass, it uses Google’s Mirror API in order to send out the data through Google server. All the users will need an SSL certificate, when they first set up this plugin.

The certification of this plugin gives an ability to set up cron jobs and Mirror API Access to develop an OAuth 2.0 client ID for your application.

Moreover, it is also crucial to note that the shared media is practiced on Google servers, and then downloaded to the WordPress website that may take some minutes to process.

Here’s a video by the plugin’s creator demonstrating how it works.

wpForGlass – Give New Height to Journalism & Live Blogging

wpForGlass is one such WordPress plugin for Google Glass that has the potential to be revolutionary for journalism. This plugin made it extremely easy to deliver content and news to people in a live environment. Being a highly beneficial plugin for journalists and live bloggers, this plugin allows hands-free and propinquity publishing benefits to users.

Recording events and transmitted in near real-time becomes much easy for people and they don’t need a live news station camera feed also. It has capability to shoot and transmit pictures, videos and other stuff to a blog in a hands-free environment.

It opens many new capabilities for journalists, documentations and bloggers, who were until busy to carry their notepads, camera and phones in their hands to observe and report. Google Glass’s plugin code is open source, so Glass explorers can take benefit of this plugin.

Weber Shandwick's vice president of technology innovation Ozzy Farman said

Instead of pulling out a phone or camera to take a picture that needs to be posted online right away, this is so much easier.

He also added

The process of publishing through Glass feels as instantaneous as blinking (or winking). We feel that in today’s socially driven media environment, instantaneous publishing is going to be, hands-down THE killer app for Glass.

So, all the journalists and live bloggers can make use of this plugin to make their work a lot easier than before and enjoy a complete range of features.

Wrapping Text:

Recently, Folks at Weber Shandwich has launched the first WordPress plugin for Google Glass that interfaces with Google Glass in order to publish content without any hassle. This plugin is completely amazing because of its wonderful features that allow users to publish images and videos on the go.

Image Credit: rimazrauf.com, WordPress

Author Bio:

Interact with us @Joseph_Herb. More from us → blogs.perceptionsystem.com and wordpresscmsexperts.com (design & development shop).

1 comment:

  1. Wow now wordpress comes in google glass wow nice concept and i like this blog so much. Thanks for sharing this Blog.
